
+91 8800610693


Sample of Reapplication for a student visa to study in Canada


The Hon’ble Visa Officer

Canadian High Commission

Sub: Reapplication for a student visa to pursue Environmental and Sustainable Building Sciences course at Lambton College

Dear Sir/Madam,

My earlier application for a student visa was rejected. I humbly acknowledge my inability, earlier, to convince you of the sincerity and seriousness of my professional vision and mission, which is inextricably linked with my future life back in India.

Maybe, in the last application, I failed to explain in details. Here, I am reapplying with adequate explanation so that hon’ble visa officer can know about my genuine interest to study and grant me the visa.

My Academics

I have already paid the two-semester tuition fee of CAD 17220 and have deposited GIC amount of CAD 10250. The admission is granted after a thorough scrutiny of eligibility. I obtained a diploma in civil engineering in 2018 and then a degree in civil engineering in 2021 with a CGPA of 8.74. The proposed course in building sciences is relevant to my past studies in civil engineering and relevant to my future career in construction and infrastructure development in a sustainable way.

Institution Specialization Year Score/Grade

Last time, my visa was rejected on the following grounds:

I am refusing your application on the following grounds:

  • I am not satisfied that you will leave Canada at the end of your stay, as stipulated in 

subsection 216(1) of the IRPR, based on the purpose of your visit. 

  • Your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of: your qualifications, previous studies, mark sheets, academic record, level of establishment, language abilities, and/or your future prospects and plan

I am giving clarifications to the above mentioned points.

How Environmental and Sustainable Building Sciences is related to my civil engineering background.

Environmental and Sustainable Building Sciences is related to civil engineering because civil engineers are responsible for designing, building, and maintaining structures, and buildings, which includes buildings that are designed to be more sustainable. Civil engineers must consider the environmental impacts of their projects, such as the potential for water and air pollution, and must adhere to green building guidelines. Civil engineers must also take into account the environmental and sustainability aspects of construction materials and methods in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment. Environmental and Sustainable Building Sciences, then, is a subset of civil engineering that focuses on ensuring that all aspects of a building’s design, construction, and maintenance are environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The course is also relevant to my work. I have worked as a general civil engineer since 2022 and have observed the need for sustainable practices in civil engineering that safeguard the environment and focus on energy efficiencies given the current trends and prevailing atmosphere.

I have scored 8.74CGPA which is considered a high score. As such, academically speaking, I have done well and will do well in the proposed course too. I attach marksheets for your study.

As for English language capabilities, I have studied English throughout my school and college days and also l have passed the IELTS exam. I do not see any difficulty in understanding the language or following the course or communications in Canada. This response takes care of the issue raised by the visa officer.

As regards my future prospects and plans, I must state that I am already working as a civil engineer with professional qualifications. My intention is to climb to a higher level and acquire knowledge of sustainable building practices that can be applied in my future job and bring about positive transformational changes to civil construction practices with the accent on environment safeguards and energy efficiency. I will be able to work in a senior position with this added qualification and will be able to provide inputs right at the design stage for sustainable buildings.  India is progressing fast with a lot of infrastructure development in public works as well as private construction for commercial and residential properties. I do not anticipate any difficulty in finding a senior level job once I complete this course and return to work in the civil infrastructure segment in India.

My Work Experience:

I have been working as a Junior Engineer in Amidhara Group from 1st March 2022 till date. My responsibility includes looking after the environment and sustainability aspects of the buildings and other construction works. Besides, I carry out all other responsibilities related to civil engineering.

Why this University?

I have chosen Lambton for the specialized course it offers and for the way it imparts education systematically in a modular and structured way. The degrees conferred by the university are universally recognized. Its faculty is one of the finest and it has the necessary lab facilities for project work. The fees are affordable and within my means.

Why Canada?

In Canada, I can acquire the latest global knowledge both theoretically and practically as sustainable building science and environmental research are a priority for the federal government, which has committed to investing in clean technology and green infrastructure. In addition to providing funding for research and development, the government has implemented several measures to promote green building and sustainability.

The Government of Canada has implemented a number of initiatives to encourage the development of green buildings and sustainable building science, including the Canada Green Building Council, which is aimed at helping the building industry develop and adopt green building practices. The Canada Energy Efficiency Regulations require that all new buildings meet a minimum level of energy efficiency, and the Energy Star program provides incentives for using energy-efficient products and services. The Government of Canada also supports the development of sustainable building materials, including recycled and recyclable materials, as well as renewable energy sources.

I have chosen Canada because of specialized and short-term courses available here. The quality of education is high and so is the standard of living but it is also affordable. It is peaceful in Canada and students from India are made to feel welcome in this country.


My father, ……………………, works as a sales manager with an annual salary of Rs …………………. My studies and living in Canada will be sponsored by my father. We are in a comfortable position and I do not intend to take any loan since we have more than enough money to pay for my studies.

My family details

My father works as a …………. My mother —————– stays at home to take care of the family. My younger sister ………………is in the final year of B.Com studies. Ours is a close-knit family deeply rooted in tradition and we also have strong tides in our relations and community.

Reasons for coming back to India

As the only son I am duty bound to fulfill the obligation of taking care of my parents in their old age. This is the chief reason I will return to India to be with my parents. There is no lack of jobs in the construction industry and, with my added qualification, I will find a high paying job that will enable us to live in comfort even as I stay with my family and friends. There is no reason why I should stay in an alien environment when I can lead a happy, satisfied life with my family, friends and relatives in India. This should assure you that I intend to return to India.

Opportunities in India after studying Environmental and Sustainable Building Sciences

I will have many job opportunities in India after the completion of the course. Here are some ideal jobs.

Environmental Engineer: Environmental engineers design and implement solutions for environmental problems, from air and water pollution to waste management. They develop and implement plans to protect and improve the environment.

Green Building Consultant: Green building consultants provide advice to architects and builders on the design and construction of energy-efficient and sustainable buildings. They help clients select green materials and design features that reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality.

Energy Manager: Energy managers develop and implement strategies for reducing energy use in buildings. They analyze energy use, develop energy-saving strategies, and oversee the installation of energy-efficient equipment.

Energy Auditor: Energy auditors assess the energy efficiency of buildings and recommend solutions for reducing energy consumption. They analyze energy use and develop energy-saving strategies for residential and commercial buildings.

Sustainability Consultant: Sustainability consultants advise businesses and organizations on how to reduce their environmental impacts. They develop sustainability plans, measure environmental performance, and help clients identify and implement green initiatives.

Why I am not studying a similar course in India

The fact of the matter is that there are large international as well as Indian construction companies that prefer to have highly qualified candidates with foreign degrees due to their superior capability and knowledge. My foreign degree will help me to find a better job in a bigger company with higher pay. This pay will help me to recoup the costs of studies abroad in just a few years.

I request the honourable visa officer to grant me the visa so that I can fulfill my dream of acquiring the latest global knowledge from a developed country like Canada.

