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SOP Format for MS in Data Science from the USA


Course Applied for: MS in Data Science

Country: USA

The world is moving towards a digitized era, where every sector, business and development-related process is utilizing digital services and solutions. The expanse of online data and information is vehemently rising, with thousands of users registering themselves online, on a daily basis. The relevance of Data Science in this regard is therefore enormous, since people, businesses and even the government are highly concerned about privacy, safety and convenient sharing of data/information resources. The current age of technology makes Data Science a very important discipline, mainly to keep digital spaces safe for users and to innovate varied fields through close analytics and introspection of data/information resources. I shall elaborate on my interests and reasons for pursuing higher education in the aforementioned subject underneath.

I wish to study data science because it is a growing field that has the potential to have a huge impact on the world. Data science has the power to revolutionize the way businesses and organizations operate by turning data into insights that can drive better decisions. Data science can also be used to solve some of the most complex problems in the world today, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. Data science is a fascinating field that has the potential to create major changes in the world, and I am eager to learn more about the possibilities.

Apart from the growing relevance of the discipline in this era of digitization, my academic pursuits significantly reflect my interest to pursue higher education in Data Science Education. I completed a diploma course on the language, Python, wherein I received my first formal certification, relating to the aforementioned field. I also keep learning about coding languages from online sources during my spare time, out of genuine interest/curiosity to know more about the subject and simultaneously hone my knowledge-base, as well as the skill-set that’s required.

The USA is known for the inception of our Digital Revolution. The Age of Computers can significantly be marked here, for the foremost fact that tech-giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google and many more have incredibly globalized themselves, starting from decent/humble beginnings. The USA would be able to provide unique facilities, ones that other countries wouldn’t readily be able to provide. For instance, one can visit Silicon Valley, where the pace of innovation and development processes could be witnessed in person. The country has historically relevant sites for aspiring students, to visit and learn about the process of expansion in a better-insightful way.

I prefer the course structure of this university, because it seems very practically oriented. My knowledge wouldn’t get barred by theoretical understandings, but rather flourish with practical applications, where I would frequently be able to put my analytical skills to test. The university has a well-trained faculty and the distinguished educational facilities provided wholly suffices my need to learn and excel in the discipline.

I did a project on Raspberry PI Based Smart Reader for Blind People. It was a developmental exercise to create convenient technological solutions and assist blind people. Indulgence in this particular project made me realize how we can potentially address our problems, bridge every unrealized gap and solve grave social issues with the advent of Computer and Data Science. I also learned Python from Coursera and keep learning/exploring subjects pertaining towards Data Science in my spare time.

I have gained the experience of participating in an active work-environment, while interning at Bharat Dynamics Limited. It is a governmental organization that specializes in the development of missiles and ammunition. The organization, like every other corporation/sector, has introduced digital functions and operations, to cope with the current standards of global industrial development. I have also participated in events hosted by IEEE, which happens to be one of India’s leading technical institutions.

I have gained significant leadership and community building experiences at school, when being assigned with roles to manage the classroom and participate in group-driven assignments. My community based-values further developed when I participated in the organization of neighborhood functions or community-building/entertainment programs in our locality.

Throughout my life I have come to develop a keen sense of inclusive social values. I believe, the union of society is highly important to progress ahead. Philosophies and ideologies of division are what I deem to be perilous. My value-base also motivates me to always keep exploring. I believe knowledge is never-ending, so one cannot simply end the process of learning. With such a school of thought, I wish to thrive in whatever I learn, keep exploring and establish myself as a worthy contributor to the respective field and towards society.

I wish to establish a career as a renowned IT professional in the aforementioned field. Nowadays, corporations, companies and even governmental sectors are on the constant lookout for Data professionals, to get the best solutions, predictive frameworks and analytical results from information or data resources. Apart from growing corporate needs, various other issues pertaining towards sociology and ecology can also be addressed with the profound understanding and skill of Data Science. Lastly, as India is turning out to be one of the world leaders in IT infrastructure, I wish to establish a career in the aforementioned field to contribute towards my country’s efforts and make it a significant part of our Global Village.


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